Color structure by custom propertyΒΆ

This sample demonstrates how to color a structure by using a user-defined property on residues. In analogy, these properties may be defined on atoms as well.

Source Code

viewer = pv.Viewer(document.getElementById('viewer'), {
    width : '300', height: '300', antialias : true,
    outline : true, quality : 'medium', style : 'hemilight',
    background : 'white', animateTime: 500,
    selectionColor : '#f00'

viewer.on('viewerReady', function() {'_static/1crn.pdb', function(structure) {
    // for demonstration purposes, define a property funky on all residues
    // that cycles through the values 0-9.
    var index = 0;
    structure.eachResidue(function(r) {
      r.setProp('funky', index++ % 10);
    // use pv.color.byResidueProp in combination with the "funky" property
    // defined above. Analogously to color by atom property, use
    // pv.color.byAtomProp()
    viewer.cartoon('structure', structure, {
      color : pv.color.byResidueProp('funky')